The Luck of the Irish

The Luck of the Irish

Today is St Patricks Day and although I live in Edinburgh now, I am proud to be Irish and I genuinely do consider myself lucky.

I remember the day I discovered that luck isn’t chance or magic. There’s a science behind it. I love psychology and there is a fabulous book written by Richard Wiseman called The Luck Factor. Buy it - it will change your life! 



Richard studied ‘very lucky people’ to find out what they have in common.

Luck of the Irish - 4 Leaf CloverThey are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunitiesHe discovered that lucky people generate good fortune via four basic principles.

  • They make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition
  • They expect good fortune
  • They see the bright side of bad luck

These are all learned skills. In a hospital, you don’t have ‘lucky’ and ‘unlucky’ newborn  babies.

Lucky people train themselves to expect to be lucky. Unlucky people expect just the opposite. 

So, harness a bit of the luck of the Irish, buy Richard’s book and dare to think positive — I promise it will snowball into even more positivity and success.

Anyone can lead a lucky life - Irish or not :)

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