How to Make Christmas Cards Memorable

How to Make Christmas Cards Memorable

Everyone used to send Christmas cards, It wasn’t something you opted out of. Before social media it was the way we made sure that we connected with our friends and family at least once a year.

My childhood memories include Christmas scenes with what seemed like hundreds of cards hanging on strings all round our home. Everyone we knew sent us a card, whether they lived thousands of miles away or just next door. I remember being allowed to open the cards. My Mum would save them until I was home from school and I would open each colourful envelope excitedly and read the messages and names out loud. Mum would check the names against her Christmas card list to make sure that we had sent a card first, and if not, a card was written on the spot and posted like it had always been the plan :)
The more cards that were strung around the house, the closer to Christmas we were. Very exciting!

Christmas CardAs an adult, things have changed. Over the past few years, I have noticed that they number of cards we receive is significantly less than my childhood memories.

Of course, there are a number of reasons for this.

We have become much more aware of saving the planet and the number of trees that are cut down, just to be turned into Christmas cards, is not acceptable for a lot of people.

People now regularly connect in different ways. It is much less time consuming to simply post “Merry Christmas to all my Friends and Family” on social media. This is often accompanied by a charity donation instead of spending the money on cards - it is hard to argue with the sentiment behind this, but it is a little less personal that a card for each person.

Individual texts and emails can be a good alternative. However if these messages are simply a generic “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” then your message is likely to get lost in a sea of similar festive wishes. 

So what is the point of sending any sort of Christmas message?

Receiving a Christmas card in the mail can be just as exciting and memorable as it used to be, with this one tip.

As well as wishing the recipient Merry Christmas, also write in the card (or email, text message), the three things you love most about them. The three things you admire, 3 things you are envious of, the 3 reasons why you love spending time with them.

Wow! Imagine getting a card or message with those things written in it.

Suddenly there is one card that is unforgettable, one card that will not be put in the recycling with the rest, one card that has really made a different to the recipient.

The reason I know this, that I can write about this with authority, is that this happened to me last Christmas. I gratefully received a selection of lovely cards, however one of those cards was not like the others (anyone my age who grew up with Sesame Street will be singing those words).

One card had more than festive wishes in it. The thoughtful sender of one of my Christmas cards had taken the time to write in it the three things they love most about me. What a gift! I don’t think I can put into words the positive impact that those unexpected words had on me.

It is incredible to see yourself through someone else eyes, to validate that some of the things you hope you are, are what other people see. Opening that Christmas card is one of the most memorable moments of my life! For days after reading the “Three Things” someone else loved most about me, I was walking on air, I could feel my confidence and self-esteem boosted, I felt epic! It started my thoughts on why we don’t all do this more often, it is pretty easy and so impactful, so why aren’t we all saying these things all the time?

Because it is a bit awkward! That’s why.

We know we should say what is in our hearts daily, but we don’t. So, to help with the words, I created the Theta Jewellery #ShareYourThree range. Each piece of hand stamped jewellery in this range comes with some beautiful words and is presented on a card that has space for you to write the three things you love most about the gift recipient.

Three Things I Love About You Card

Need to say something lovely to your friend, wife, husband, mum, dog walker….? I have you covered.

Celebrating the things you love about someone has a way of lifting the spirit and confidence in all of us. A ripple effect that goes out not the world around you.

Choosing a gift from this range is like sending a little love letter. You know how important it is to say the words, click here to make someone cry happy tears.

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